This post contains a short demo about how you can fetch your Instagram photos without the usage of Instagram API, which requires a user to authenticate. This technique is based on the <script> tag found from the Instagram profile page. Script tag has the data, which we will parse by regular expression.
I use CodePens in my blog posts and recently I noticed that there is an issue which prevents displaying CodePen embeds correctly. I use Contentful to manage blog posts content. Contentful supports embedding content via Embedly. But for some reason, Embedly fails to show my CodePens in some cases. I couldn’t find the reason nor any way to load them. They just didn’t load. So I decided to stop hitting my head against the wall and make an implementation without Embedly.
This is a short example of how to catch all Axios HTTP requests, responses, and errors. Catching is implemented with the Axios feature called interceptors. It's possible to catch all requests before they are sent and modify them. Also, responses and errors can be caught globally. For example, interceptors are useful when you want to modify request headers before a request is sent or you are implementing some kind of global error handling system.
This blog post shows how to setup webpack 4 module bundler for development. This webpack tutorial contains many common examples you might need to configure when doing JS application development with the webpack.
This post shows how to implement Material Design like form text fields with a floating label and an expanding underline bar animation. The post includes examples of how to style text fields with and without Javascript.
Lately I have experimented with Vue.js JavaScript Framework. In this post I will show how to build a functional form with Vue.js. Forms are essential part of almost every web application so I wanted to see how to build a basic form with the following specs.
By default, the Angular Universal app makes HTTP requests again when app is bootstrapped even app is already rendered on the server side. Though there is a really simple solution which can be implemented without any actual code changes. At first when I tried to find how to prevent requests I only found tutorials how to implement this at the component level. After googling a while I luckily found an easier way to implement this.
I implemented Prism.js based code syntax highlight feature for my blog. This blog post shows how to use Prism syntax highlighter with Angular.
I am an experienced web developer with an eye for solid UI/UX design. I have specialized in front-end development, responsive web design, design systems, modern web frameworks, and content management systems. I also have experience in mobile apps development and back-end coding with PHP, Node.js, and Java. So I have a full stackish background, but I'm enjoying most building robust and beautiful front-ends with performance, accessibility, and testability in mind.
© Tero Auralinna
Auralinna.fiSunset with Bubbles: Travel and Photography Blog